Rector's congratulations

rector_official.jpgDear students,

we are glad to welcome you at Yugra state university. There are 900 freshmen among you today. You are going to tread a challenging and interesting path:  studying new sciences, feeling the joy of learning and aspiring new achievements. The education you will acquire in our university will conduce your professional evolution and by the final courses will make you in-demand specialists in the labour market. I wish you good luck with these intellectual undertakings.

I also wish our senior students to preserve the will to move forward, so that your desire for personal and professional growth never exhausted, and the knowledge you receive was aimed at abundance in your life. I wish you to have new achievements in scientific and student's life.

Dear colleagues,

These days we are strenthening the base of our university, solving difficult problems, and responding all challenges. And we deserve our credit for the reduction of such problems that are limiting our development.

Together we've worked out the format of effective interaction with employers. Yugra state university builds up partner relationships at a new level in frames of the project "Personnel for the regions", including base chairs, applied Bachelor's degree, scientific and production range. We have achieved the necessary effect of our intellectual activity and we have requests for monetization of our work..

We have taken up the slogan "Yugra state university, the atmosphere of success" which sets moral responsibility for the results of our work rather than the process.

We are entering the new academic year determined and willing to reach the marked perspectives. I wish you to have professional passion and success in your creative search, so that you could always show high standards in training the students.

Tatiana Karminskaya,

rector of Yugra state university
