International cooperation
Academic mobility
International-Students(1).jpgIntegration is taking its crucial place in the whole international community and all spheres of human life, touching the system of higher education as well. Academic mobility is an important part of this process, enabling the creation of a principally new kind of human resources that can occupy the world labout market.

Academic mobility is transferring a student or an educational staff member for a certain period to another educational institution (in their country or abroad) with the purpose of studying, teaching, conducting research or continuing professional development, and their return to the primary place of employment. It is not connected with a long (over 1 year) preiod of work or study abroad.

You can find detailed information on exchange and mobility events at the Study in Russia web site, the governmental project run by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Academic mobility can be sponsored by funds based in a country of your citizenship. Our students are always welcome to ask our International Cooperation Office about the funds.

Oksana Gololobova, head

