General Information

Checking-in dormitories in conditions of COVID-19 and accommodation rules

Since 15 July 2021 the international students are allowed to move in the university’s dormitories if a certificate of negative COVID-19 PCR test result is provided, in particular the negative result of rapid response test confirming the absence of COVID-19. The sample for the test must be collected not earlier than 2 days before moving in;

NOTICE: according to the Decree of the Chief Medical Officer of Russian Federation No. 33 from 4 December 2021 the validity period of COVID-19 PCR test results a reduced from 72 hours to 48 hours.



Dormitory tenancy fees (about 1000 rubles) must be paid in accordance with your tenancy agreement for the period starting from the check-in date (when a student starts occupying a dorm room), every month, and no later than the 10th of each month following the month for which the payment is made.

Dormitory residence can be paid in two ways:

  1. Transfer through a bank:
    -Obtain a form with relevant bank details from your dormitory’s administration;
    -Fill out the form and make the payment at Sberbank;
    -Submit a receipt confirming the payment to the dorm’s administration.

  2. Using YuSU University’s own online payment service - https://wwwold.ugrasu.ru/acquiring-gpb/

General Information