Scientific-practical conference with international participation "Topical issues of novelization of criminal law policy of the Russian Federation: interaction of federal and regional principles of implementation."
On December 10, 2020 the All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation "Topical issues of novelization of the criminal law policy of the Russian Federation: interaction of federal and regional principles of implementation" will take place.
The conference is organized by the YSU scientific school "Scientific support of the effectiveness of the implementation of modern criminal law policy". The conference is held to discuss scientific and practical proposals for improving the criminal legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as to consider ways to effectively implement the criminal law policy to adapt to modern conditions measures of general and special crime prevention at all levels of combating crime.
Presentations are planned by leading Russian scientists in the field of criminal, criminal-executive law and criminology, practitioners involved in solving problems in the field at the doctrinal and law enforcement levels.
During the discussion, the participants will discuss and agree on:
- the norms of the criminal legislation of the Russian Federation and lawmaking activities taking into account modern trends in the state and structure of crime;
- the quality of the criminal law in terms of modeling the corpus delicti and the criminal law norms applied to them;
- the effectiveness of the implementation of criminal punishment and other measures of a criminal law nature;
- the ratio of crime prevention and prevention measures at the national and regional levels.

Russian and foreign researchers, scientific and practical workers, lecturers and graduate students of higher educational institutions are invited to participate.

For all questions regarding the preparation and holding of the conference, please contact the organizers:
Avdeev Vadim Avdeevich (+79021785921)

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