A new stage in the development of SSS YuSU was discussed on the air of the TV channel "Yugra"

The guests of TV morning program "From 7 to 10" were Alexey Kokorin, Chairman of YuSU SSS and Ilona Lebedeva, Head of the Scientific Department. They told what role students play in the scientific activities of YuSU, as well as about the plans for the next year. Ilona Lebedeva reminded that in the spring of 2022 the Decade of Science and Technology was announced by the Decree of the President of Russia.

"A key objective is to involve talented youth in science and development. The university is actively working in this regard. For example, this year YuSU won a grant from the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia for the development of SSS. After that the activity was structured. Yugra State University began to organize more events. On the one hand, we meet the Ministry's request, on the other hand, we train scientific cadres for our university," Ilona Lebedeva noted.

At present, 10 branches of SSS "Sustainable Development of Northern Territories" are functioning in YuSU. Early career researchers apply for grant competitions of the Russian National Foundation, Rosmolodezh, and also actively participate in university events - Science slam, science cafes, court debates, scientific conferences, the nearest of which - "New Technologies in Fuel and Energy Complex" - will be held at YuSU on November 16.

In turn, Alexey Kokorin noted that thanks to the grant, YuSU SSS has branded products and its own media department. And next year it is planned to hold even more events: "We will develop cooperation with universities of the region and try to reach the all-Russian level, so that we would be recognized not only here - in the city and the region, so that we would be known everywhere".


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