Chair of journalism
The Chair of Journalism is one of the youngest departments of the university. As a separate unit it appeared in 2011.

The chair sets the goal to build a modern school of journalism in Yugra focused on technologies.
One of the chair's major targets is bringing the programme of journalists training up to date with the rapidly changing technological reality. In particular, we organize local events for student journalists. The chair prepares graduates for the qualification in  Journalism and is aimed at creating individual students' career paths considering the needs of local employers.

Here is the report on the progress of the chair over 2013/14 academic year (by Ilya Stechkin*).

* Ilya Stechkin, PhD, was the Head of the chair from June 1, 2013 to August 31, 2014. He graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University and acquired his PhD degree there, too, with his work "The evolution of social and functional roles of journalist in the Internet". His scientific interests include the range of roles of a journalist in the Internet, managing media Internet projects, sociological approach to managing Internet projects, interaction of a journalist and the audience, journalist in their role of moderator/facilitator, Internet maintainance of media projects, Internet maintainance of universities, media education at school, information and cyber security, active and passive media audiences, primary and secondary realities and their media representation, webigration, music journalism and new media. Ilya's new appoinment evoked a lot of public reaction in the regional and Moscow scientific society.

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