The newest issue of the journal “Environmental Dynamics and Global Climate Change” presents the results of multivariate statistical analysis of scientists from Tomsk, conducted jointly with colleagues from Europe and China, in order to create transfer (transition functions) for quantitative reconstructions of paleoclimate in the Altai-Sayan region.
In the journal one can also find the peculiarities of changes in some physicochemical parameters of bog waters of the upper bog (pH, electrical conductivity, chloride concentration) over a multi-year period.
In addition, the journal reflects the peculiarities of distribution of a number of rare and protected plant species in the territories of oligotrophic and mesotrophic bogs within the oil fields of Ugra.
And finally, the issue highlights the results of the VII International Field Symposium “West Siberian peatlands and the carbon cycle: past and present”, which was held in Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug from August 16 to 26, 2024.