New academic year started!

Today YuSU hosted a solemn event dedicated to the beginning of the new academic year. The event began with the march of the group with the flags of YuSU and the singing of the anthem of the Russian Federation.

On this special day for first-year students friends and relatives, mentors and officials came to support and congratulate them. The guests of honor wished the new students excellent studies and personal growth. The students were also introduced to the vice-rector staff of the university and the heads of higher schools.

Rector of YuSU Roman Kuchin addressed the audience with a farewell speech, emphasizing that the university creates all conditions for students to be able to implement themselves to the maximum and achieve the highest success in any direction.

Also with the beginning of the academic year the students were congratulated by the deputy of the Duma of Yugra Vasiliy Filipenko.

The event continued with an awarding ceremony for the most successful applicants, those who had the highest scores at admission.

The event ended with the performance of creative teams of YuSU.


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