Dear colleagues, students, postgraduates and teachers of Yugra State University!
One of the most long-awaited and favorite holidays since childhood - the New Year - is approaching! On the eve of the holidays it is customary to summarize the results and set cherished goals for the future.
The whole year we have worked with full dedication and despite all the difficulties that sometimes arise, the University has managed not only to preserve but also to increase the achieved indicators. We have put a lot of victories and discoveries in the piggy bank of our university.
Today the university is more than 10.5 thousand students of higher (4276 students) and secondary (5803 students) professional education programs, 578 scientists and teachers, the main campus is located in Khanty-Mansiysk. Its area is more than 66 thousand square meters and 4 branches in the cities of the region, 8 comfortable dormitories for 2600 places, Sports Complex with the area of 12 793 square meters, youth laboratories, Carbon Polygon.
In 2024, 2976 students came to our university for the first year. Ahead of them they will have a lot to learn and learn a lot not only at lectures and practical classes, but also in youth associations of interest.
In 2024, we have traditionally shown a good level of graduate employment among Russian universities. YuSU entered the pilot rating of universities of BRICS countries, which included 600 educational institutions from 10 countries of the association: Brazil, Egypt, India, Iran, China, United Arab Emirates, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia and South Africa. For the first time we got into the rating of universities on the quality of training of specialists in the field of artificial intelligence and immediately took the leading position among the universities of Yugra.
The past year was rich in victories of our students in grant competitions of various kinds, which only once again confirms my opinion about their talents and versatile development. The projects of the guys are designed for a wide audience, and they all have the opportunity to gain real experience and, no doubt, to benefit the region by carrying out an educational mission.
We met in the walls of the university honored and distinguished guests. They were: Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Communications of Russia Maksut Shadaev, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Ecology, Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Dmitry Kobylkin, Governor of Ugra Ruslan Kuharuk, a prominent representative of the Russian oil and gas industry, President of the Union of Oil and Gas Producers of Russia Genady Shmal, actor, director, TV presenter and military journalist Mikhail Mamaev, Russian basketball player Nikita Morgunov, author and permanent presenter of the TV program “Umnitsy i Umniki” Yuri Vyazemsky and others.
Despite the geopolitical situation, the University has continued to increase its international influence. Our activities are implemented in accordance with the National Projects of Russia “Education” and “Science and Universities” and are aimed at internationalization of the university, promotion of Russian language and culture abroad, increasing the competitiveness and attractiveness of the university, attracting talented young people to Russia.
New partnership agreements were concluded with organizations in China, Kazakhstan, India, Indonesia, Syria.
As for the key scientific initiatives, in close cooperation with industrial partners, the university took an active part in carrying out research work in priority scientific areas: ecology, energy, petrochemistry. We have formed a great team, a professional team that is not indifferent, moves forward and at the end we get a very good quality result.
In 2024, Yugra State University calculated the carbon footprint of the Yugra Economic Forum. This practice happened in Yugra for the first time. We have entered the UNITY PARK project portfolio and here we have a great potential for cooperation and development within the framework of research and development and technology-innovation activities, as well as training of competitive personnel for the regional economy.
I have not mentioned all the significant events of the passing year, and I am sure that new incredible victories and accomplishments are ahead of us! Successes are the result of the daily hard work of each of us - in laboratories, classrooms and creative spaces. In 2024 we were able to show a truly team spirit and well-coordinated work.
The new year opens up great prospects for Yugra State University. I am sure that 2025 will pass under the sign of favorable changes and new achievements!
I wish everyone a Happy New Year, great vacations with family and friends and, of course, fulfillment of cherished wishes! Happy New Year!