The II International Scientific and Practical Conference “Youth and Science in the North” was held in YuSU

Yugra State University hosted the II International Scientific and Practical Conference “Youth and Science in the North”.

The opening of the event began with a welcoming speech by Valery Lapshin - Vice-Rector for Research and Legal Affairs. He noted the importance of the event not only for the research community, but also for the university as a whole. He also wished all the participants of the conference good luck in their activities.

Before the main part of the event Alexey Kokorin, the chairman of the YuSU SSC and a student of the Higher School of Law, gave the speakers advice on how to make a successful presentation of their material. He told about the appearance, design rules and other important details for a good report.

Plenary reports on the following topics began after the farewells:

- Characteristics of dissolved organic matter of upland and lowland bogs

- The study of multiculturalism begins with the study of the history of its emergence

- A critical review of humanistic theories of personality

- Psychological traumas as a negative factor in the personal development of adolescents

- The influence of social networks on self-esteem and mental health of adolescents

After the presentations the listeners asked questions to the speakers. The most active in this respect was the candidate of philological sciences and associate professor of the Higher School of Humanities Ksenia Russu. Her questions were the most interesting. The most memorable was a question about the excitement of students before the session to one of the speakers. Then everyone was invited to a tour of the research laboratories of YuSU.

On the second day the reports were divided into thirteen sections of different scientific orientation. For me it was the first conference of such level, and, admittedly, I was a little worried, because I had to listen carefully and not miss anything. Fortunately, the reports turned out to be interesting and diverse. From research papers about BadComedian to discussion of current issues of oil and gas production in Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra. Each participant had the opportunity to share their experience and views, which added variety to the discussions.

The organizers treated us to a free lunch. This certainly added positive emotions to the overall impression of the conference. Despite the joyful atmosphere, I noticed that some speakers still felt uncomfortable. Third-year students, on the contrary, looked confident.

Among all the reports, I was most impressed by the speech of a student named Mukhabbat. She spoke about the importance of non-verbal communication. Her speech brought up issues such as body language, gestures and gaze - all things that often say more than words. Her confidence and resilience was evident: throughout her speech she did not make a single mistake and answered all the questions:

- Do you think that an untrained person can determine from nonverbal signals whether the interlocutor is really interested in the conversation, or just pretends? - asked the jury representative, a first-year linguistics student Sergei Nosov.

- I think that non-verbal signals have many nuances, and their analysis requires special attention and flair.

I also managed to ask Sergei a few questions.

- Hello! Thank you for taking the time to talk. The conference was a great success, what were your impressions of the events?

- Hello, it was a great opportunity for me to meet talented young researchers and learn about their new ideas in the humanities. The excitement of the participants was quite natural, but I was impressed by how many of them were able to handle it and demonstrate interesting and insightful research.

- Your work as the jury was probably not easy at all. In your opinion, which report left the biggest impression and why?

- The most memorable was definitely Mukhabbat's report. Her presentation on non-verbal communication was not only relevant, but also presented with surprising confidence. She was able to convey her message in the most accessible way and engage the audience, which, in my opinion, is the key to a successful presentation.

- Indeed, her confidence was noticeable. Do you think participants should pay attention to learning about non-verbal communication when preparing their presentations?

- Of course! Non-verbal communication plays a key role in the perception of information. Being able to correctly interpret your own gestures and facial expressions, as well as audience signals, can greatly enhance the impact of your presentation. This can help both in academic defense and in everyday life.

- You mentioned that young speakers have been uncomfortable at times. Do you have any advice for future participants on overcoming anxiety?

- Absolutely. First of all, you should rehearse a few times in front of a mirror or with friends. This will help you get used to your material and improve your pronunciation. Also, practice deep breathing techniques before going on stage - they will help calm your nerves. And of course, don't forget that you are not alone on stage: the audience is interested in your success.

- Thank you for your advice! What topics do you think will be relevant for discussion at future conferences?

- I see great opportunities to discuss issues related to digital humanities, cultural identity in globalization, and research ethics. These topics continue to be relevant and require in-depth attention.

- Your perspective is truly valuable. Is there anything you would like to say to the participants in closing?

- I want to thank everyone for their hard work and courage to speak.

Next, I ran to the room where the scientific conference of the eleventh section “Energy Conservation and Energy Efficiency” was held. I start to listen attentively to Dmitry Osipov, Doctor of Technical Sciences and head of the Polytechnic School. He talks about public sector indicators in the field of energy saving and energy efficiency. But before starting to talk about it, Dmitry said a very interesting phrase: "Electricity is consumed exactly as it is transported. It is not a bag of sugar, although even from a bag of sugar you can lose a few kilograms during transportation".

It can be noticed that during the speech there is a live broadcast and the speech is listened to on the other side of the screen, students from different cities. At the end of the lecture the guys told more about the tasks of their projects, and I also managed to talk to one of the participants Valeria Badya and ask her a couple of questions:

- Valeria, why did you decide to take part in the practical scientific conference “Youth Science of the North”?

- It was interesting to try myself in science, it turned out to be a good experience for me.

- And what new things did you learn for yourself?

- I met a cool and experienced teacher, as well as listened to a lot of interesting reports, thanks to which I learned a lot of new things for myself.

At this point we said goodbye to Valeria. And then followed the closing of the International Scientific Conference “Youth Science of the North”. While all participants gathered in the auditorium I managed to take a comment from Kseniya Russu.

- Kseniya Rinatovna, I would like to know how you think the two days of the conference passed, what are your emotions and what can you tell about the participants?

- We are organizing the conference for the second year, and it seems to me that this year we have grown considerably. I am not talking about the number of participants, there are a lot of applications from other cities. These are Moscow, Irkutsk, Arkhangelsk, Orenburg. There are many guys from Kazakhstan, but this is a completely different format for submitting reports. There are a lot of topical issues and topics. This year for the first time we are reorganizing the student scientific society. Student scientific circles have been invented. Guys in the first year have been making reports for only three months, and some of them even took prize-winning places. And it is wonderful, as it seems to me, it means that we do everything right. Of course, it was not without roughness, that is, there were guys who were a little scared of the performance, worried. It was noticeable, but this is a reason to perform even more, as it seems to me.

And so, all the students have already settled in their seats, waiting for the awarding. The prizes were awarded not only to YuSU students, but also to participants from different cities.

The winners, who took the first places received nice gifts, and the rest - certificates of participation in the International

Scientific Conference “Youth Science North”. All participants and the organizing committee stood up for a common memorable photo. And at the end I interviewed one of the winners of the tenth section “Public Law of the XXI century”, who took the 3rd place Anna Varhalyak:

- Anna, tell me what was the topic of your project?

- The topic of my project was “Toward the question of objectivity and impartiality of a judge in the Russian judicial system”. In the article, based on a systematic analysis of legal provisions and scientific sources, I revealed the principles of objectivity and impartiality of a judge as a prerequisite for the proper administration of justice. A dangerous decrease in the level of trust in the judiciary in the society is stated. The views of scientists on such an extremely important scientific and practical problem are analyzed. On this basis, I have argued some proposals for its solution.

- What inspired you to pursue legal research?

- First, I have been writing research papers in law and history since high school. Secondly, law is a science that can be “spun” in different directions and can be viewed from different angles. And most importantly, I am a lawyer.

- What difficulties did you encounter in the process of your research and how did you overcome them?

- There were no difficulties, the only thing is that I had to reread N.V. Gogol's comedy “The Government Inspector” in order to accurately describe the character, which was suitable for describing my research paper.

- How do you evaluate your work in general and are you satisfied with the result?

- Since this is my first university conference, I am satisfied with the results. I am also happy for the guys, members of student scientific circles, who wrote their first scientific article and not only participated in the conference, but also won prizes.

The II International Scientific and Practical Conference “Youth and Science in the North” has come to an end. Continue to develop, do not be afraid to experiment with the presentation of material and, most importantly, be sincere in your research. It can attract attention and inspire others. And our Yugra State University will be waiting for even more participants at the next scientific conference.

See you at the next conference!

Authors: Viktoria Gimatdinova, Varvara Ignatkova and Anna Sarycheva.


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