The most creative and imaginative - students at YuSU!

Sing, dance, play in theater or KVN? All of this is possible at Yugra State University!

Our students do not keep quiet about their talents, but openly declare them and show them on stage.

This is how the opening of the new creative season took place on the stage of the “October” Cultural and Entertainment Center. Someone was energized, someone came to assess the level of creativity of the students, and someone got to the opening by chance and definitely found an interesting direction for himself.

“I love creativity for the people with whom we create something common and beautiful. I love it when the eyes of those around me light up. What I like most of all in all rehearsals and performances are the emotions, the joy when we finally get it right after long rehearsals. And, of course, the comments from the audience and friends. That's when you realize that we do it for a reason, that it evokes emotions and you never regret the time and effort that was spent,” - shared her emotions student of the 3rd year of the direction ‘Ecology and Environmental Management’ Nastya Mukhmenova.

“I am glad that I was able to participate in this creative process. It was not easy, but we, I think, we managed to do 100% and even more. The stage, the audience, spotlights and applause - it's always very cool energizing. I wish everyone to feel the vibe of the performance and this atmosphere,” shared Ksenia Malinina, a member of the choreographic group ‘M’.

Everything is just beginning, first-year students are trying themselves in everything. Who knows, maybe someone will discover something new for themselves and learn to combine the incompatible.

Author: Elizaveta Medvedeva, 4th year student of Journalism.


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