Yugra University has 129 postgraduate students in 14 scientific specialties. Among them are “Differential equations and mathematical physics”, “Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and program complexes”, “Physical chemistry”, “Ecology”, ‘Geoecology’, “System analysis, management and information processing, statistics”, “Electric power engineering”, “Public-legal (state-legal) sciences”, “Criminal-legal sciences”, “Regional and branch economy”, “Pedagogical psychology, psychodiagnostics of digital educational environments”, “Theory and methodology of sports”, “Russian literature and literatures of the peoples of the Russian Federation” and "Russian language. Languages of the Peoples of Russia".
The first graduation of postgraduate students of YuSU took place in 2008. Since then, 338 people have graduated from the postgraduate program of the university. For the last 5 years 14 of them became candidates of sciences. Yugra University has the first dissertation council on legal sciences, which opened in 2023. Four dissertation defenses have already taken place in the dissertation council. There are plans to open a dissertation council in Yugra in the field of electric power engineering and electrical engineering. The Ministry of Education and Science of Russia has approved the university's application.
Every year the number of students enrolled in the postgraduate program of YuSU is growing. This year 51 people were admitted to the 1st year of the postgraduate program. These are graduates of both Yugra State University and other educational organizations of higher education. This year our graduate Anastasia Koval chose the ecological direction of postgraduate studies at Yugra State University.
- Anastasia, tell us why did you decide to enter graduate school? Why did you choose YuSU to get scientific education?
- I decided to go to graduate school to connect my life with science. I chose Yugra State University because of the excellent teaching staff and the opportunities provided by the Laboratory of Ecosystem-Atmosphere Relations of Forest-Marsh Complexes. After graduating from graduate school, I plan to defend my PhD thesis and become a highly qualified specialist in my field.
- How does the topic of your research work sound? Why did you choose this particular topic?
- The topic of my research is “The relationship between decomposition of fall and accumulation of organic matter in soils of middle taiga forests of Western Siberia during regenerative succession”. Decomposition of litter leads to the release of carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas that affects global warming. The balance between decomposition of fallen debris and accumulation of organic matter in soils determines the climatic role of forest ecosystems.
- What accomplishments/publications are you most proud of during your time in graduate school?
- I have only been in postgraduate school for six months, but in that time I have had time to participate in writing a paper for the Journal of Forest Science. As a bachelor, I could only dream about it.
- What do you do in your free time?
- In my free time I like to hike and play sports.