Young scientists of YuSU presented the results of research at the International Seminar in the Republic of Belarus 11.10

YuSU scientists took part in the V International scientific seminar “Bog vegetation: modern problems of classification, mapping, use and protection”, which was held in Minsk at the Institute of Experimental Botany named after V.F.Kuprevich. Within the framework of the seminar there were held sessions where reports on botanical and geographical peculiarities of bogs of different natural regions and syntaxonomy issues, diversity of plant communities, topical aspects of geobotanical mapping, current state of peatlands and dynamics of restoration of disturbed bog ecosystems were heard and discussed.

The results of their research were shared by Valeria Batrshina, research engineer at the Laboratory of Ecosystem-Atmosphere Connections of Forest-Marsh Complexes, and Artyom Kulik, laboratory assistant at the Laboratory of Geoinformatics of Ecosystems.

“In my report, I compared and evaluated indicators on the scales of L. G. Ramensky - moistening and active richness, as well as botanical composition of peat from the territory of the field station “Mukhrino” and the territory of Lake Pounsi, located in Surgut district. The results showed both similarities in the stages of development of the two territories and differences expressed in distinctive plant composition,” said Valeria Batrshina.

“I presented the result of high-frequency chamber measurements from the ridge and moss complex of the Mukhrino bog. As a result, the dynamics of net exchange of ecosystems and the amount of absorbed atmospheric carbon for the study period - from June to October 2023 was obtained”, - said Artyom Kulik.

Elena Lapshina, Director of the UNESCO Research Center Chair “Environmental Dynamics and Global Climate Change”, also took an active part in the seminar. Elena Dmitrievna made a report “Bog vegetation of the class SCHEUCHZERIO-CARICETEA NIGRAE Tx. 1937 in Russia”.

An excursion to the Berezinskiy Biosphere Reserve was organized for the participants of the seminar, the scientists also visited the Slobodskoye and Domzheritskoye bogs. “Especially impressed by the simultaneous growth of reeds, ferns and moss - it was the first time for us”, - shared her impressions Valeria Batrshina.

In addition, the participants were given a tour of Minsk, where they were introduced to the main sights of the Republic. At the end, they independently visited the Botanical Garden, which amazed with its variety of vegetation from all over the world.


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