Today, on September 5, the International Day of Charity is celebrated all over the world. On this special day, Yugra State University initiated the launch of the federal program "Service for Society as Training".
The program was developed by request of the President of the Russian Federation and is implemented by the Association of Volunteer Centers, the Higher School of Economics, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education together with Rosmolodezh and the Ministry of Labor of Russia. Starting from September 1, 2023, the module (course) "Service for Society as Training" will be launched in more than 100 pilot Russian universities, including Yugra State University.
"Service for Society as Training" is a pedagogical approach that combines education and socially useful activities into a unified educational process. The approach is implemented by educational organizations only in partnership with social customers and is aimed at solving specific tasks that represent the interests of partners and the needs of society in general", - said Bergen Panaev, professor of the Educational Engineering Center, coordinator of this program at YuSU.
Guests at the program's launch included:
· Deputy Governor of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra - Elena Shumakova;
· Director of the Department of Youth Policy, Civil Initiatives and External Relations of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra - Yakov Samokhvalov;
· Advisor to the CEO of the Center for Civil and Social Initiatives of Yugra Foundation - Vladislav Sokolov;
· Yanina Tovt, member of the Public Chamber of Yugra, Founder of ANO Center for Development of Technologies and Creative Industries "Factory of Inventions".
The solemn event began with the welcoming speech of Roman Kuchin, rector of YuSU, in which he noted that this educational module was introduced to develop civic responsibility, patriotism and leadership qualities in students: "Taking YuSU as an example, I can say that social activities have been integrated into the educational process for a long time and very successfully. As a positive experience, it should be noted that there is a law clinic, which is based on the university, where our students and teachers in their free time provide free legal assistance to the residents of the city. This practice was the basis for moving in a new direction of participation in the experiment. When we talk about education, we invariably mean the upbringing of the younger generation. This is an important component of the process of personality formation, formation of a system of values and moral principles in a person".
Roman Viktorovich added that YuSU participation in this project will allow to fully realize the "Third Mission" of the university - to create conditions for sustainable development of society for the benefit of socio-economic development of the region: "It is important to realize that we live not only for ourselves, but also for the society we are in! Look around and observe how you can be useful to people, because the result of such activities is priceless! I wish that everyone can feel these inexpressible feelings. Be socially responsible and kind-hearted towards those around you!"
Elena Shumakova, Deputy Governor of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra emphasized that the most important thing for everyone is a feeling of unity: "Why is this program important for you - students? Because the most important thing you learn during your student years is to establish ties with the territory where you live, develop and connect your future. The projects you will realize will help you to learn what problems people face and how you, united together, can be useful to society. Another important factor that this program works on is trust in society. Trust is formed when we do something together, when we are united by common tasks. I believe that everyone will take this program seriously as a new opportunity.
Yakov Samokhvalov, Director of the Department of Youth Policy, Civic Initiatives and External Relations of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra noted that the "Service Learning" program is a great field for experimentation, creativity and innovation: "You and I are on the threshold of great discoveries. It means that there can be a lot of options for solving problems. Everyone in this program will be able to try to implement their ideas and really pump up their skills even before they get a specialty. This is a unique opportunity to feel needed by the community. When you see how your efforts are converted into social benefits, when you see that you have helped a specific person to solve his problem, you will immediately understand the significance and importance of this program".
The key moment of the event was the "Dialogue as Equals". Social leaders present at the meeting, including Anastasia Sklyarova, Head of the regional public organization of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra promoting education and enlightenment "Volunteer Teacher", and Yanina Tovt, Founder of the Autonomous Nonprofit Organization Center for Development of Technologies and Creative Industries "Factory of Inventions", told the students about their social inquiries, as part of which the students will develop socially important projects.