YuSU students got a silver at GREEN ROOF CHALLENGE 2024

Students of Yugra State University won a silver diploma GREEN ROOF CHALLENGE 2024 of the VII All-Russian competition of green roof design projects organized by the Guild of Landscape Engineers.

The purpose of the contest is to identify the best technological solutions and creative techniques in the arrangement of green roofs, operable roofs and roof gardens using roof, vertical and container gardening technologies. More than 100 projects participated in the 2024 contest.

The student team - Arseniy Mikityuk, Esmiralda Chelolyan, Polina Stepanko, Vladlena Tereshchenko from the Higher School of Ecology and Maxim Tikhomirov and Kirill Shushpanov from the Polytechnic School - submitted the Green Sky project.

The basic idea of the project was to create a “green roof” object in the center of Khanty-Mansiysk, taking into account the ecoclimatic and economic features of the urban area on the principles of ESG modeling and the possibility of its implementation in the system of measures to adapt the city to global climate change, taking into account the ecosystem potential. The object is designed in Khanty-Mansiysk on the territory of the educational campus of Yugra State University - on the open area of the complex-component roof structure of the Sports Complex.

The project leader is Alexander Vykhodtsev, head of the Green Laboratory of Yugra State University, associate professor, Candidate of Geological Sciences; the scientific adviser of the project is Irina Akhmedova, head of the Carbon Data Center of Yugra State University, associate professor, Candidate of Geological Sciences.

"This project is an example of successful collaboration of the Green Laboratory and Carbon Data Center, implementing the agenda of eco-climatic education through the project activities of young people. Construction companies and architectural bureaus of the Tyumen region are interested in the student project. This is the first such project in the district, which allows making a step towards adaptation to changing climatic conditions and transformation of the territory of northern cities. We hope for support from the university to create conditions for the project implementation on the campus,” commented Alexander Vykhodtsev.


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