YuSU students went on an international expedition “Irtysh Industrial”

The international expedition within the framework of the Irtysh Industrial Project started on Victory Day in Khanty-Mansiysk. Yulia Ermakova, Anastasia Khairova and Maria Astratova, students of the Higher Ecological School of YuSU, also went on the expedition. The girls were writing a course work on this topic. Their scientific supervisor, the Head of the Museum of Nature and Man Ivan Yashkov offered to take part in the project. It should be noted that the project is implemented by the Museum of Geology, Oil and Gas, the Museum of Nature and Man together with the Autonomous Nonprofit Organization “Cultural Industries” and Yugra State University.

The Irtysh Industrial Project is supported by the Yugra Governor's grant for the development of civil society and the Department of Culture of the Autonomous Okrug. It is an international research expedition from Yugra through Kazakhstan to China. The start and end points of the route are “Khanty-Mansiysk - Koktokay”. The expedition will last until June 6.

The Irtysh is the longest tributary river in the world, flowing through the territory of three countries - Russia, Kazakhstan and China. For Yugra, the Irtysh is symbolically significant - the capital of the district, Khanty-Mansiysk, is located at the confluence of the Irtysh with the Ob.

“We will visit key industrial facilities of the Priirtyshye region to collect and analyze materials that will later help in writing a graduate qualification work, a report on industrial practice and in writing scientific articles. It is also a great personal experience and broadening of horizons for our specialty", - said a 3rd year student of HES, participant of the expedition Yulia Ermakova.

The results of the expedition will be used to create a documentary film using 360 technology for viewing in VR-glasses, where viewers will be able to experience the feeling of full immersion in the “industrial reality” of traveling along the Irtysh; an exhibition based on the concept of “past - future”: archival photographs and objects from the 19th-20th centuries, next to modern ones - an exposition reflecting the transformation of landscapes and traditional cultures on the Irtysh under the influence of industrialization over time; an interactive multimedia map of the Irtysh. As well as an international educational online resource for students in four languages: a knowledge base on the territories of the Irtysh basin for schoolchildren and students in Russia, Kazakhstan and China. The work will be carried out in cooperation with the multimedia historical parks “Russia - My History” in Surgut and Omsk. The State Library of Yugra is also a partner of the project. As part of the expedition plans to organize an action “90 good deeds”, timed to the 90th anniversary of the institution. The participants of the expedition donate sets of books about the history of Yugra, the development of Irtysh and Ob to libraries.


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