YuSU teacher became a PhD

By the order of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, Vsevolod Tkachenko, a teacher of the Polytechnic School of YuSU, was awarded the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences.

Vsevolod defended his thesis in December at a meeting of the dissertation council in Omsk State Technical University. The subject of the scientist's research is devoted to the development of methods and algorithms for optimizing circuit-mode parameters of electrical systems, including minigrid. He wrote his dissertation under the guidance of Dmitry Osipov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Head of the Polytechnic School of YuSU. The scientific work was carried out at Yugra State University. We would like to add that the dissertation research was carried out within the framework of the state assignment of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia (theme “Development of models for wavelet analysis of non-stationary modes of power grids to improve the reliability and efficiency of power supply to consumers”).

PhD candidate noted that with the widespread introduction of digital technologies and platform solutions in the spheres of national economy, there is a growing demand for the development of specialized software products with innovative calculation methods embedded in them, allowing to search for optimal options for electrical networks for further development.

15 works have been published on the subject of the dissertation, including 3 articles in the journals recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission, 5 certificates of state registration of computer programs. The materials of the dissertation, in particular, were presented at the All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation, which was held in the framework of the XIV International IT-Forum with the participation of BRICS and SCO countries.

The results of his research are used at Omskenergo, a branch of Rosseti Siberia PJSC, and are also used in the research and educational process at Yugra State University to train bachelors and masters in such disciplines as Power Grids and Systems, Mathematical Problems in Power Engineering, and Computer, Network, and Information Technologies in Power Engineering.

Vsevolod Tkachenko also won regional competitions in the UMNIK program. His project “Development of a self-diagnostics and telemechanic system of a solar power plant for the Far North” was supported by the Innovation Promotion Foundation.


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